Eco soap sabun RAMLI yang environmentally friendly.
Kreasi sabun alami, ramah lingkungan (RAMLI) dengan sedikit bahan kimia. Kembali ke masa lampau/sabun kuno, zaman dahulu sabun terbuat dari minyak kelapa. Kini banyak sabun menggunakan bahan baku minyak sawit.
Ramah lingkungan karena menggunakan bahan baku minyak kelapa dan sedikit kandungan kimia sehingga lebih mudah diurai oleh alam, tanah dan lingkungan tanpa mencemari air.
Minyak kelapa memiliki panjang rantai lebih pendek dibandingkan minyak sawit. Dengan demikian tak sulit diurai oleh tanah.
Eco Soap kreasi sabun transparan pelbagai bentuk dari geraireenIndonesia menggunakan aroma buah, bunga dan rempah.
Bunga: Melati, Lavender, Mawar, Lily, Dahlia.
Rempah: Serai, Teh Hijau, Jahe, Cengkeh, Baby Powder, Mint, Eucalyptus, Forrest,Cendana, Vanila.
Buah: Stroberi, Apel, Jeruk,Citrus, Lemon, Melon, Kiwi.
Eco Soap Benefits Your Skin and The Environment.
Eco Soap Benefits Your Skin and The Environment.
Eco Soap is made from pure coconut oil, extracted from fresh coconut, without using any heat and chemical treatment to protect the oil’s essential properties. The natural moisturizer formed during soap making process is not removed thus allowing for a rich lathering and giving extra benefit to moisturize our skin. Naturally, pure coconut oil richly contains lauric acid which has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties as well as tocopherol (vitamin E and antioxidant) which are good for skin’s health and beauty. Coconut oil is easily absorbed by human’s skin, thanks to its small molecule structure, making it soft and smooth. Not only does it moisten and soften, Eco Soap clears away dead skin’s cells, any left over oil and residue to keep pores deeply cleansed with no dry-finish and suitable for any type of skin. Blended with essential oils, Eco Soap’s scents serve as aromatherapy; bring a sublime breath of freshness. For Eco Soap’s natural ingredients, the water used to rinse the soap does not harm the environment; it can eventually be used to watering your plants! Eco Soap is earth friendly, tailor-handmade and homemade! Do you care the earth enough? Available in 40gr( Animal/Flower shaped) and 100gr (bar soap)