Suka dipijat Nyamuk enggan mendekat!

Kreasi alami tanpa bahan kimia karena berbahan dasar minyak kelapa dan ekstrak Lavender serta Citronella. Tanpa alkohol dan pestisida sehingga tanpa mengakibatkan rasa dingin di kulit, kulit kering dan beracun. Ekstrak Lavender dan Citronellanya mempu mengusir Nyamuk.

Isi: 100 Ml.

Mosquito Repellent and Massage Oil

2-in-1 Coconut Oil based Nourish Your Skin and Soul

Composition: Cocos nucifera and plant-derived essential oil to repel mosquitoes (lavender and citronella). No chemicals and alcohol content and does not make skin dry. Coconut oil is easily absorbed by human’s skin, thanks to its small molecule structure, making skin soft and smooth. Apply lightly to skin and no oily-finish. Apply as massage oil; the scent brings a sublime breath of calm and freshness.

Available in bottle 100ml.