Minyak Nabati untuk Lampu Mati

Kreasi guna ulang atau daur ulang minyak nabati bekas menggoreng (Jelantah). Digunakan sebagai pengganti lilin atau penerangan saat lampu / listrik padam. Sebagai hiasan pada tatanan meja di rumah, restoran dan café serta menciptakan suasana yang temaram. Tidak berbau, sedikit asap dibandingkan minyak tanah, tanpa jelaga sehingga aman bagi lingkungan dan kesehatan karena tidak menimbulkan polusi, lebih irit (api menyala lebih lama, meski api yang dihasilkan tidak sebesar minyak tanah).

30 ml Minyak Lampu mampu menyala selama ± 4 jam.

Paket gelas mungil, pelampung, sumbu dan 60 Ml E-FUEL.

E-Fuel (Environment-Fuel) 

Lamp Oil a reuse and recycle creation product from used cooking oil to light up your room

Do you know that candle can cause pollution? The paraffin to make candle is a product of non-renewable fossil oil which emit harmful particles (toluene & benzene). For human and the environment in a bad ventilating room; causing allergy and cough. E-fuel Lamp Oil is a recycle creation product from used cooking oil (reuse) and thus reducing the waste. Cooking oil is sourced from plants, a renewable non fossil. No smell, no ash, no pollution. It’s Friendly for human’s health and the environment. Fill the glass with water (as cooler) before pouring the Lamp Oil and the floating wick.

All packages by small glass, 60 Ml E-FUEL and floating wick.